We offer:
Our company maintains presence in the steel structures market since 2005 with main office in Kraków. Currently company employs around 200 workers on employment contract, home and abroad. We have company branch in Germany, where we provide welding services as well as installing electric and sanitary infrastructure. Our cooperation with foreign companies widens our experience and places our professionalism and quality of service on the highest level. We specialize in prefabrication and assembling of reinforcement for residential and industrial buildings. We also offer construction and assembly of reinforcement steel in shape of reinforcment cages and slurry walls. From the beginning we strive to meet the needs of our customers. Because of that we also offer transport of steel. We provide services also for individual clients. We have a highly qualified crew with experience in this line of work, gathered home and abroad - we realize every task entrusted to us. Prefabrication of the...
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